> Brewpub Grub: Chocolate Bread Pudding, Beaver Street Brewery, Flagstaff, AZ

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chocolate Bread Pudding, Beaver Street Brewery, Flagstaff, AZ

Down the block and 5 walking minutes later, I'm at the Beaver Street Brewery for dessert. I intentionally chose a lighter lunch at Beaver Street's sister brewpub, Lumberyard Brewing Co. so that I could have dessert. By the way, the menus of the two sister brewpubs are different which gives you the added bonus of enjoying an expanded menu along with great craft beer.

Walking into the pub,  I told the staff person that I only wanted a small dessert and a cup of coffee for the ride home. He told me that I might want to try a half pint of one of their beers with dessert. Hmmm. And  so I ordered an obscenely hefty chunk of Chocolate Bread Pudding a la mode with a half pint of Hefe Weisen. Small dessert and coffee: didn't happen.

Chocolate Bread Pudding

The bread pudding came thick, warm and chocolaty . The buttered bread slices are baked in a chocolate custard, topped with more chocolate sauce and whipped cream. I elected to add a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream to the concoction as well as a counter-balance. This is one heavy dessert. Rich, but not too sweet, the bread pudding was a perfect ending to a light lunch. I would also recommend this dessert as an afternoon tea, substituting the tea with a nice stout or strong porter. The melting vanilla ice cream contrasted nicely with the warm chocolate bread pudding. This dessert would also make a welcome breakfast.

The Hefe proved to be an easy drink to go along with the heavy chocolate. It was crispy and light that played well with the richness of my dessert. A mild hoppiness and bubbling effervescence cut right through the pudding. Beaver Street's Hefe Weisen is a 2007 Gold Medal winner at the Great American Beer Festival. light and crispy.

Beaver Street is just few blocks from Historic Route 66 and down the street from Northern Arizona University.

Sunday-Thursday: 11AM-11PM
Friday-Saturday: 11AM-12PM

11 S. Beaver Street, Flagstaff, AZ


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